24 Hrs Specialist Doctors

Desun Hospital provides 24/7 emergency doctors for immediate medical care.

Specialist Doctors Round the Clock

Will the Specialist Doctor attend the patient immediately, even it is 2 o’clock at night?

In other hospitals, the Specialist Doctors physically attend the patient rarely before 12 hours. The treatment is usually done by Medical Officers on duty. But at DESUN Hospital, Siliguri Specialist Doctors attend the patient immediately upon admission, be it 2 o’ clock at night or 2 in the afternoon accurately diagnosing and treating the patient without delay and thus improving the chances of survival.

With 20 medical departments, each having in-house specialist doctors, any problem during your stay at DESUN can be handled round the clock. You may be admitted for one particular surgery but if any other health problem comes up for which your specialist doctor needs advice, in-house doctors of other departmentsare available immediately.

Doctors are available round the clock. Only at Desun Hospital

How will it help in my recovery?

During Medical Emergencies like Heart Attack, Brain Stroke, Coma, Burns, Accidents, etc speed can make all the difference. By insisting on speedy emergency care, DESUN Hospital, Siliguri has saved many lives.

DESUN medical team works at tremendous speed in starting immediate treatment by bringing in the Specialist Doctors of various departments even at 2.00 am in the midnight

Desun Hospital provides 24/7 emergency doctors for immediate medical care.

Safest Hospital for Any Operation

2 of the major fears any surgeon has before any operation is that of OT infection and cardiacor heart complications during or after the operation. If OT infections occur or the patient develops cardiac problems, even the best surgeon will be unable to help. DESUN is the only hospital in Siliguri that has STEEL OPERATION THEATERS (Steel OTs) that drastically reduces chances of OT infection. After surgery, the patient is under the best care of doctors and nurses in the post-operative phase at DESUN.

24/7 emergency doctors for immediate medical care.